Saturday, June 30, 2012

Riffs on our Mission Statement

The Deck House School is a small residential high school for boys who have struggled in the academic mainstream. Students and staff work together to create a community that builds positive relationships and encourages social, emotional, and academic growth.

“The Deck House School is” - Our motto is “Saepe Create Molles Aspera Spina Rosas” (Often the prickly thorn produces tender roses) [From Ovid]. We believe that The Deck House School is a place where ‘roses’ or positive selves may grow from the ‘prickly thorn’ or trajectories of difficult experiences and unfortunate events.

“a small” - A student body of twelve boys is tiny by any measure of a school. However, ‘small’ in our case means small enough to fit around the kitchen table each evening to share a meal. Bringing his/her own experiences and viewpoints to the table, the presence of each individual changes the nature of the company.

“residential” – Residing at The Deck House School entails preparing meals and doing daily and periodic chores. In this respect, life itself is the curriculum.

“high school” - We have found that there is great potential for boys to change their pattern through their own agency between the ages of 15 and 19.

“for boys” - It is well documented in current educational literature that boys have unique social/emotional/learning needs, such as masculine identities, making connections to others, building relationships, and active-experiential learning.

“who have struggled” – ‘Struggled,’ in past tense, means having worked below his potential, as evidenced by his deteriorating grades, school dismissals, and rule-breaking behavior.

“in the academic mainstream” - In mainstream educational settings, our students may have wanted, or needed, more attention, and they may have gotten off track because of distractions. Some of our students may have institutional identities that limit their sense of potential.

“students and staff” - Students and staff are true partners. Through active discussion – our primary method of teaching – a constant verbal exchange draws out the energy and encourages the possibilities.

“work together to” – Working together is a vital expression of The Deck House School’s culture.

“create a community” – ‘Community’ refers to the network of individuals who foster social, emotional, and academic connections inside, and outside, the schoolhouse. Metaphorically speaking, our community network is a tuber or rhizome, branching out in many directions, yet deeply rooted here on our hill.  

“that builds positive relationships” - Positive relationships require effort and  solid connections. We assume that our boys may construct positive identities through positive relationships with adults.

“and encourages” - Though we may encourage change, ultimately this is something that the boy must desire to do; he has to take ownership of the process. By creating a supportive community, we provide a context that allows this to happen, what our founder, Edward T. Hall, referred to as the “the soil of success.”

“social, emotional, and academic growth” -  We define ‘growth’ as expanding social, emotional, and academic connections within our diverse community network.

Central to the growth process, students connect with our dedicated, and talented, faculty through collaborative activities in our Academic and Daily Life programs. From cooking meals to cleaning the school buildings, we work hard, together, to care for this place. Reaching out in our Co-curricular and Community Service programs, students forge connections with local business-owners and managers, organic farmers, pre-school teachers, freelance musicians, working artists and craftspeople – opportunities to build constructive relationships by actively participating in the livelihood of their mentors. This experience often leads to greater self-confidence and positive identities.

Dr. Melinda Evelyn Browne, Head of School