Wednesday, July 25, 2012

‘Participation’ at The Deck House School

If the living, experiencing being is an intimate participant in the activities of the world to which it belongs, then knowledge is a mode of participation, valuable in the degree in which it is effective. It cannot be the idle view of an unconcerned spectator.  [John Dewey, Democracy and Education, 1916]

‘Participation’ is the theme of our Academic, Life, Co-curricular, and Community Service Programs at The Deck House School. ‘Participation’ is categorized by apprenticeship, guided participation and participatory appropriation, defined as follows (Rogoff, 2002):

APPRENTICESHIP: Engaging in community activities with experienced mentors and elders may encourage students to develop a mature participation style. A student pursuing an apprenticeship with a local boat builder within our Co-curricular Program is an example of this type of participation.

GUIDED PARTICIPATION: Experiences working side-by-side characterize this manner of participation, students and mentors making an effort to accomplish something together. One example is students and faculty planning and preparing evening meals in our Life Program.

PARTICIPATORY APPROPRIATION: This participation category is at the individual level, where learning is a process of becoming. The process is the product (Rogoff, 2002).  ‘Becoming’ refers to each student growing and changing as a result of his participation in connecting academic studies to experiential activities outside the classroom.

Students’ participation in each one of our four programs, Academic, Life, Co-curricular, and Community Service, reinforces and enriches their participation in the others.

Dr. Melinda Evelyn Browne, Head of School


Rogoff, B. (2002). Observing sociocultural activity on three planes: participatory appropriation, guided participation, and apprenticeship. In J. V. Wertsch, P. Del Rio & A. Alvarez (Eds.), Sociocultural Studies of Mind (pp. 139-164). New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

‘Wraparound’ at The Deck House School

Current educational research defines ‘Wraparound’ as a planning process that aims to include multiple stakeholders and community resources in the interest of helping struggling students (Eber, Sugai, Smith, & Scott, 2002). The ‘Wraparound’ process works with students’ strengths and interests to design individualized programs to achieve outcomes agreed upon by family, student, and school. Each student’s multi-dimensional and comprehensive program may include opportunities to make social and academic gains, realize personal goals, improve personal relations, and engage in extracurricular and career-oriented activities.

The Deck House School appropriates the key components of the ‘Wraparound’ process as follows:

(Eber, Sugai, Smith, & Scott, 2002)
Community based

Utilize diverse -educational contexts across multiple, local settings.
·      Community network extends from The Deck House School to the Mid-Coast Maine area.
·      Academic, Life, Co-curricular and Community Service Programs connect our students with key people and learning opportunities in Mid-Coast Maine locations.
Individualized, strength-based, needs-driven

Custom tailor supports for the whole student.
·      Academic classes utilize individualized discussions and needs-based tutorials. We offer rigorous and Advanced Placement (AP) courses.
·      Life program activities such as planning and cooking meals encourage students to assume responsibility for community as well as individual needs.
·      Co-curricular activities allow students to develop their strengths, and interests, by participating in the livelihoods of their mentors.
·      Community Service activities offer valuable leadership and work experience.
Families as full and active partners

Communicate regularly with parents.
The Head of School offers weekly/bi-monthly phone appointments with parents. The Deck House School respects the differences in the ways families define their roles and participate in the boarding school experience. We believe that family-school collaboration is an essential element of student success. (Minke & Anderson, 2005)

Offer proactive, programmatic flexibility.
·      Flexibility is our continuity at The Deck House School across the Academic, Life, Co-curricular, and Community Service Programs.
·      The Deck House School directs its formal and informal community resources/supports to best serve/meet its students’ needs.
Unconditional commitment

Reward and recognize students. Emphasize “how” students succeeded rather than just that they did.
·      Special outings for students who are meeting expectations in the Academic Program.
·      Rewards lunches for students who are fulfilling their obligations in the Life Program.
·      Awards for individual accomplishments in the Co-curricular and Community Service Programs.
·      Teachers and role models who are unconditionally committed to the students and their plans.
Collaborative process, results in plan

Engage in broad conversations, create strength profiles and purposeful individual learning plans.
·      Gather information about the student’s interests and ideas to inform academic, behavioral, personal, and career goals across home, school, and community contexts.
·      Articulate the student’s strengths as a function of what he/she likes to do, for example: read to young children.
·      Create a succinct purpose statement to guide the team in helping the student realize his/her outcomes.
·      Design an individualized plan based on the student’s needs, which are most important to his success. Establish unique objectives and outcomes.
Oversee the process

Collect data. Provide systematic feedback and evaluation.
The Deck House School collects and analyzes student data across the Academic, Life, Co-curricular, and Community Service Programs, and may adjust students’ plans to suit new information.

The Deck House School’s ‘Wraparound’ is a needs-driven, individualized process, which connects the classroom to the community context, and gives students the opportunity to develop their strengths and interests in diverse, local settings. The school welcomes families as full and active partners in identifying students’ strengths and needs. Teachers and role models provide support by offering flexibility across the Academic, Life, Co-curricular, and Community Service Programs.  They are committed to creating, facilitating, and monitoring students’ plans, as well as realizing unique outcomes.  

Dr. Melinda Evelyn Browne, Head of School


Eber, L., Sugai, G., Smith, C.R., and Scott, T.M. (2002). Wraparound and positive behavioral  interventions and supports in the schools. Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders, 10(3), 171-180.

Minke, K.M., and Anderson, K.J. (2005). Family – school collaboration and positive behavior support. Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions, 7(3), 181-185.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

The Deck House School Profile 2012-2013

CEEB/ACT Code 200726

Dr. Melinda Evelyn Browne, Head of School []
Mr. Thomas D. Blackford, Director of Development []
ISANNE, SSATB, National Association of Independent Schools (NAIS)
College Board (200726), and College Board Test Center (20156)
New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC), Head of School serves on NEASC Commission of Independent Schools (CIS), State of Maine Department of Education: Approved Secondary (Grades 9-12) School, Maine State Certified Teachers, and SEVIS Approved

The Location
Situated on a hilltop overlooking the Sheepscot River, our 180 acre wooded campus offers the charms of rural life, and proximity to the rich artistic/maritime attractions of the mid-coast region of Maine. 

The School
Founded in 1979 by Edward T. Hall, The Deck House School is a residential, college-preparatory high school with an enrollment of 12-13 young men. Students and staff work together to create a community that builds positive relationships and encourages social, emotional, and academic growth.

The Students
There is no one type of student we enroll, but we select only those we believe will benefit from our unique learning environment, in which the emphasis is on participation within a community network. The typical length of stay for a Deck House School student is 1-2 years. 80% of our enrollment has been referred to us by educational consultants, 15% by other schools and 5% from other sources.

The Faculty
Our faculty members are Credentialed and Certified by The State of Maine Department of Education. The Head of School holds an Ed.D. degree in Mathematics Education. The student-faculty ratio is less than two to one. Class sizes range from one to six students. Adjunct faculty may teach specialized courses when needed such as German Language and Mandarin Chinese.

The Curriculum
The Deck House School curriculum is a web of four programs, radiating from the concept “community” at the center. Each program, Academic, Life, Co-curricular, and Community Service, draws from the strength of the community and reinforces the bonds that hold us together, and connect us to the larger world. The Deck House School offers Advanced Placement (AP) courses, including AP Biology, AP English Literature, AP Statistics, AP Studio Art, AP Calculus BC, AP U.S. History, and AP Physics C.

Grading System
Year-end grades are the average of the four quarters. Grades are not weighted. Grade Scale:
A+ (100-97), A (96-93), A- (92-90), B+ (89-87), B (86-83), B- (82-80), C+ (79-77), C (76-73), C- (72-70), D+ (69-67), D (66-63), D- (62-60).  The same applies to our Summer Semester (mid-June thru end-August).

College Acceptances
Over the last three years, graduates have received acceptances at colleges and universities nationwide, including Appalachian State University (U.), Bryant University, Champlain College, Colby Sawyer College, College of Charleston, Curry College, Drew U., Eckerd College, Fort Lewis College, Goucher College, Green Mountain College, Guilford College, Lynchburg College, Lynn U., Menlo College, New England College, Salisbury University, Stetson University, U. of South Carolina, Whittier College, and Willamette U.