Saturday, October 27, 2012

The Deck House School’s Four Programs

The Deck House School’s Academic, Life, Community Service, and Co-Curricular Programs provide twelve teenage boys with an embedded supportive structure, which utilizes constructive relationships, mentorships, apprenticeships, and internships within our community network. Along with our own consistent gentle guidance, students may receive therapeutic/medical services from outside healthcare providers with whom we facilitate scheduling and transportation to/from appointments. Our talented teachers lead tutorial, discussion-based, College and Career Preparatory and Advanced Placement (AP) Courses.

·      Our Academic Program offers students opportunities to study College and Career Preparatory and Advanced Placement (AP) Courses with talented teachers/tutors, who facilitate spirited classroom discussions. Classes are rarely larger than three or four students and are often one on one. We administer the College Board exams including the SAT I, SAT IIs, and APs on our campus, helping to reduce students’ anxiety associated with standardized tests.

·      Our Life Program prioritizes opportunities for students and staff to work together as a team, inventing and documenting original recipes, planning and cooking meals, organizing tools and cleaning supplies, developing craft through household chores, and accomplishing work jobs.

·      Our Community Service Program develops active citizenship by requiring students to volunteer their time to local, worthwhile causes such as the Lincoln County Animal Shelter and The Morris Farm Trust. Students practice organizational and time management skills in these real life work environments.

·      The Deck House School’s Co-Curricular Program encourages students to pursue meaningful learning experiences with adult mentors, who include scientists, engineers, blacksmiths, boat-builders, chefs, and/or artists. Personal projects, apprenticeships, and internships are life changing and focusing opportunities for our students.

Dr. Melinda Evelyn Browne, Head of School